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1. Variables in shell script in tutorial Linux Basic Commands Linux Server
Define and call variable inside shell script #! /bin/bashNAME="Pero Perić"echo "Hi $NAME !" Read variable from terminal input #! /bin/bashecho 'What is your name?'...
Permission(PGU):447, Lang:EnglishCreated:2015-02-14 09:47:52, Modified:2015-02-14 10:21:23, Status:in work, Version:1.0
2. Variables in tutorial Advanced Javascript Tutorial JavaScript
Each variable have identifier (name) , data type and scope. 1. Variable Identifier Variable identifier (name) can use any alpha-numeric character, underscore and dollar sign. It must start with _ , $ or alpha sign,
Permission(PGU):447, Lang:EnglishCreated:2015-02-06 13:58:59, Modified:2015-02-08 15:19:42, Status:in work, Version:1.0
3. Function in tutorial Advanced Javascript Tutorial JavaScript
Definitions There are several ways to define function. //functionfunction fja1() {}//function assigned to variablevar fja2 = function() {}//function assigned to objectvar obj = { fja3...
Permission(PGU):447, Lang:EnglishCreated:2015-02-07 11:18:43, Modified:2015-02-08 15:47:01, Status:in work, Version:1.0
4. Global Object in tutorial The JavaScript Programming Language JavaScript
Global Object When browser load new web page a global object is created with its global properties: undefined, Infinity, NaN global functions: isNaN( ), parseInt( ), eval( ) constructor functions: Date(), Re...
Permission(PGU):447, Lang:EnglishCreated:2015-03-24 14:28:48, Modified:2015-03-31 05:10:47, Status:in work, Version:1.0
5. Debugging Variables in tutorial NginX Linux Server
NginX has many predefined, global variables. To see all vars create file /etc/nginx/includes/return_vars.conf ##### To test NginX variables on domain use port 85 -- www.somedomain.loc:85 ######server {&...
Permission(PGU):447, Lang:EnglishCreated:2015-02-18 18:43:48, Modified:2015-02-18 18:43:48, Status:in work, Version:1.0