
Debugging Variables

NginX has many predefined, global variables.

To see all vars create file /etc/nginx/includes/return_vars.conf

##### To test NginX variables on domain use port 85 -- www.somedomain.loc:85 ######

server {
   listen 85;
   server_name $host;

   add_header Content-Type text/plain;

return 200 "
    ## BASIC NGINX VARS (<a href='http://www.localhost.loc:85/html/index.php?id=5'>http://www.localhost.loc:85/html/index.php?id=5</a>)## <br><br>
scheme=  $scheme  <br>  
host= $host <br>
server_port=  $server_port  <br>
uri=  $uri  <br>
args= $args <br>
request_uri=  $request_uri  <br>
status=  $status <br>

 <br><br><br><br>   ## MOST NGINX VARS ## <br><br>
ancient_browser= $ancient_browser <br>
arg_= $arg_ <br>
args= $args <br>
binary_remote_addr= $binary_remote_addr <br>
body_bytes_sent= $body_bytes_sent <br>
bytes_sent= $bytes_sent (ngx_http_core_module) <br>
bytes_sent= $bytes_sent (ngx_http_log_module) <br>
connection= $connection (ngx_http_core_module) <br>
connection_requests= $connection_requests (ngx_http_core_module) <br>
content_length= $content_length <br>
content_type= $content_type <br>
cookie_= $cookie_ <br>
date_gmt= $date_gmt <br>
date_local= $date_local <br>
document_root= $document_root <br>
document_uri= $document_uri <br>
fastcgi_path_info= $fastcgi_path_info <br>
fastcgi_script_name= $fastcgi_script_name <br>
gzip_ratio= $gzip_ratio <br>
host= $host <br>
hostname= $hostname <br>
http_= $http_ <br>
https= $https <br>
modern_browser= $modern_browser <br>
msec=$msec  <br>
msie=$msie  <br>
nginx_version=$nginx_version  <br>
pid=$pid  <br>
pipe=$pipe  <br>
proxy_add_x_forwarded_for=  $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for  <br>
proxy_host=  $proxy_host  <br>
proxy_port=  $proxy_port  <br>
proxy_protocol_addr=  $proxy_protocol_addr  <br>

query_string=  $query_string  <br>
realpath_root=  $realpath_root  <br>
remote_addr=  $remote_addr  <br>
remote_port=  $remote_port  <br>
remote_user=  $remote_user  <br>
request=  $request  <br>
request_body=  $request_body  <br>
request_body_file=  $request_body_file  <br>
request_completion=  $request_completion  <br>
request_filename=  $request_filename  <br>
request_length=  $request_length (ngx_http_core_module, ngx_http_log_module)  <br>
request_method=  $request_method  <br>
request_time=  $request_time (ngx_http_core_module, ngx_http_log_module)  <br>
request_uri=  $request_uri  <br>

scheme=  $scheme  <br>
secure_link=  secure_link  <br>
secure_link_expires=  secure_link_expires  <br>
sent_http_=  $sent_http_  <br>
server_addr=  $server_addr  <br>
server_name= $server_name  <br>
server_port=  $server_port  <br>
server_protocol=  $server_protocol  <br>

ssl_cipher=  $ssl_cipher  <br>
ssl_client_cert=  $ssl_client_cert  <br>
ssl_client_i_dn=  $ssl_client_i_dn  <br>
ssl_client_raw_cert=  $ssl_client_raw_cert  <br>
ssl_client_s_dn=  $ssl_client_s_dn  <br>
ssl_client_serial=  $ssl_client_serial  <br>
ssl_client_verify=  $ssl_client_verify  <br>
ssl_protocol=  $ssl_protocol  <br>
ssl_server_name=  ssl_server_name  <br>
ssl_session_id=  $ssl_session_id  <br>
ssl_session_reused=  $ssl_session_reused  <br>

status=  $status (ngx_http_core_module, ngx_http_log_module)  <br>

time_iso8601=  $time_iso8601 (ngx_http_core_module, ngx_http_log_module)  <br>
time_local=  $time_local (ngx_http_core_module, ngx_http_log_module)  <br>
uid_got=  $uid_got  <br>
uid_reset=  $uid_reset  <br>
uid_set=  $uid_set  <br>
upstream_addr=  $upstream_addr  <br>
upstream_cache_status=  $upstream_cache_status  <br>
upstream_http_...=  $upstream_http_...  <br>
upstream_response_length=  $upstream_response_length  <br>
upstream_response_time=  $upstream_response_time  <br>
upstream_status=  $upstream_status  <br>

=  <br>
=  <br>
=  <br>
=  <br>




Now include it at the end of virtual host file /etc/nginx/sites-available/loc_adsuu_www.conf

#redirect to www
server {
  server_name adsuu.loc;
  return 301 $scheme://www.$host$request_uri;

server {

  ############### General Settings ####################
    listen   80;
    server_name  www.adsuu.loc;
    root    "/homemiko/com_adsuu/www/public_html/";
  index  index.php index.html;
    charset utf-8;
    autoindex on;
  error_log "/homemiko/com_adsuu/logs/www_adsuu_com_error.log";
  #access_log "/homemiko/com_adsuu/logs/www_adsuu_com_access.log";

  ################# Includes ###################
  include /etc/nginx/includes/htaccess.conf;
  include /etc/nginx/includes/php.conf;


########## Debugging ############
include /etc/nginx/includes/return_vars.conf;




Now you can test NginX variables for the specific domain.

For example if you have URL you can test NginX vars with adding port 85


The listing will be:

## BASIC NGINX VARS (<a href='http://www.localhost.loc:85/html/index.php?id=5'>http://www.localhost.loc:85/html/index.php?id=5</a>)## <br><br>
scheme=  http  <br>  
host= www.adsuu.loc <br>
server_port=  85  <br>
uri=  /  <br>
args=  <br>
request_uri=  /  <br>
status=  200 <br>

 <br><br><br><br>   ## MOST NGINX VARS ## <br><br>
ancient_browser= 1 <br>
arg_=  <br>
args=  <br>
binary_remote_addr= �� <br>
body_bytes_sent= 0 <br>
bytes_sent= 0 (ngx_http_core_module) <br>
bytes_sent= 0 (ngx_http_log_module) <br>
connection= 5 (ngx_http_core_module) <br>
connection_requests= 1 (ngx_http_core_module) <br>
content_length=  <br>
content_type=  <br>
cookie_=  <br>
date_gmt= Thursday, 19-Feb-2015 00:35:58 GMT <br>
date_local= Thursday, 19-Feb-2015 01:35:58 CET <br>
document_root= /usr/share/nginx/html <br>
document_uri= / <br>
fastcgi_path_info=  <br>
fastcgi_script_name= / <br>
gzip_ratio=  <br>
host= www.adsuu.loc <br>
hostname= komp <br>
http_=  <br>
https=  <br>
modern_browser=  <br>
msec=1424306158.768  <br>
msie=  <br>
nginx_version=1.6.2  <br>
pid=2392  <br>
pipe=.  <br>
proxy_add_x_forwarded_for=  <br>
proxy_host=    <br>
proxy_port=    <br>
proxy_protocol_addr=    <br>

query_string=    <br>
realpath_root=  /usr/share/nginx/html  <br>
remote_addr=  <br>
remote_port=  40229  <br>
remote_user=    <br>
request=  GET / HTTP/1.1  <br>
request_body=    <br>
request_body_file=    <br>
request_completion=    <br>
request_filename=  /usr/share/nginx/html/  <br>
request_length=  332 (ngx_http_core_module, ngx_http_log_module)  <br>
request_method=  GET  <br>
request_time=  0.000 (ngx_http_core_module, ngx_http_log_module)  <br>
request_uri=  /  <br>

scheme=  http  <br>
secure_link=  secure_link  <br>
secure_link_expires=  secure_link_expires  <br>
sent_http_=    <br>
server_addr=  <br>
server_name= $host  <br>
server_port=  85  <br>
server_protocol=  HTTP/1.1  <br>

ssl_cipher=    <br>
ssl_client_cert=    <br>
ssl_client_i_dn=    <br>
ssl_client_raw_cert=    <br>
ssl_client_s_dn=    <br>
ssl_client_serial=    <br>
ssl_client_verify=    <br>
ssl_protocol=    <br>
ssl_server_name=  ssl_server_name  <br>
ssl_session_id=    <br>
ssl_session_reused=    <br>

status=  200 (ngx_http_core_module, ngx_http_log_module)  <br>

time_iso8601=  2015-02-19T01:35:58+01:00 (ngx_http_core_module, ngx_http_log_module)  <br>
time_local=  19/Feb/2015:01:35:58 +0100 (ngx_http_core_module, ngx_http_log_module)  <br>
uid_got=    <br>
uid_reset=    <br>
uid_set=    <br>
upstream_addr=    <br>
upstream_cache_status=    <br>
upstream_http_...=  ...  <br>
upstream_response_length=    <br>
upstream_response_time=    <br>
upstream_status=    <br>

=  <br>
=  <br>
=  <br>
=  <br>