The JavaScript Programming Language
String is a sequence of 16-bit values e.g. sequence of unicode charcters. The length of a string is 16-bit number (216 = 65 536).
In ECMAScript 3 strings must be written in a sigle line. ECMAScript 5 allows writing multiline strings.
//multiline with \
x = 'First column\
second column\
third column';
//newline \n
y = 'first row\nsecond row';
Example: 030string_multiline.js
Concatenate strings
Use + operator to concatenate two or more strings.
Example: 032string_concatenate.js
Example2: 032string_concatenate2.js
If you try to use - operator NaN will be returned.
Example: 033string_minus.js
String length property
Access the string length with 'some string'.length .
//get the string length
var x, len;
x = 'Some string!'
len = x.length;
console.log(typeof x); //string
console.log(typeof len); //number
console.log(len); //12
Example: 031string_length.js
String methods
1. str.charAt(index) returns the specified character from a string 035stringmethods_charAt.js
2. str.concate(str1, str2, ...) concate str1, str2 into str. Equivalent to str+str1+str2 035stringmethods_concate.js
3. str.indexOf(str1) returns the index (position) of str1 inside str. If str1 is not found inside str returns -1. 035stringmethods_indexOf.js
4. str.match() 035stringmethods_match.js
str.match(/regex/) returns first match of the string
str.match(/regex/i) returns first match of the string (not case sensitive)
str.match(/regex/g) returns all matches inside string
//usage of regex memory e.g. string inside ()
var str, x;
str = "SOME simple Sample string";
//regex memory is inside (). Memory is returned as array element
x = str.match(/sim(\w+)/i); //case sensitive
console.log(x); // [ 'simple', 'ple', index: 5, input: 'SOME simple Sample string' ]console.log(x[1]); // $1 = ple
5. str.replace(regexp|substr, replacement) replaces one or all (/g) matches with replacement 035stringmethods_replace.js
var str, x, xg, xi;
str = "simple example of simple string BIG big";
x = str.replace('simple', 'not simple'); //just first matche
xg = str.replace(/s\w+e/g, 'not simple'); //all matches
xi = str.replace(/BiG/i, 'SmaLL'); //not case sensitive
console.log(x); // not simple example of simple string BIG big
console.log(xg); // not simple example of not simple string BIG big
console.log(xi); // simple example of simple string SmaLL big
6. returns position of regex inside str. Simmilar as indexOf but indexOf don't use regexs. 035stringmethods_search.js
7. str.split(separator) returns array of separated strings 035stringmethods_split.js
8. str.toLowerCase() str.toUpperCase() 035stringmethods_toUpperCase.js
9. num.toString() converts number into string 035stringmethods_toString.js
10. str.trim() removes spaces from left end right 035stringmethods_trim.js
Regular expressions
To test regular expression use test method. The method returns true if match exist or false if not.
regex.test(str) 036string_regexTest.js