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Search query: nodejs Results: 29

1. Installation in tutorial NodeJS By Examples JavaScript

Use npm to install your NodeJS server. If node already is installed run: #which node /usr/bin/node #node -v v0.10.31   Notice: If you get older version of N...

Permission(PGU):447, Lang:English
Created:2015-01-21 15:34:12, Modified:2015-02-05 03:34:24, Status:in work, Version:1.0

2. Start & Stop nodeJS in tutorial NodeJS By Examples JavaScript

Create file index.js var util = require('util'),    http = require('http');http.createServer(function (req, res) {  res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'});  res.end('Hello World23\n...

Permission(PGU):447, Lang:English
Created:2015-01-21 16:51:17, Modified:2015-02-17 16:15:56, Status:in work, Version:1.0

3. Intro Notes in tutorial NodeJS By Examples JavaScript

NodeJS characteristics use Chrome V8 JS runtime event driven and non-blocking I/O created 2009 by Ryan Dahl and turned over in 2012 by  Isaac Schlueter sponsored by Joyent Cloud (

Permission(PGU):447, Lang:English
Created:2015-01-24 07:01:56, Modified:2015-01-24 08:13:49, Status:in work, Version:1.0

4. Run Apache as reverse proxy in tutorial NodeJS By Examples JavaScript

Apache acts as reverse proxy for NodeJS.  CITE: In

Permission(PGU):447, Lang:English
Created:2015-01-25 16:11:06, Modified:2015-01-25 16:31:09, Status:in work, Version:1.0

5. NodeJS starting on boot in tutorial NodeJS By Examples JavaScript

Starting NodeJS program on boot time (CentOS 6.5) 1. Create file in /etc/rc.d/init.d/node-findads #!/bin/sh## Note runlevel 2345, 86 is the Start order and 85 is the Stop order## chkconfig: 2345 86 85...

Permission(PGU):447, Lang:English
Created:2015-01-25 16:30:08, Modified:2015-05-23 11:12:22, Status:in work, Version:1.0