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1. Notices in tutorial Website Speed Optimization Misc
Client-side caching Browser and proxy cache HTTP Headers expires cache-control etag vary pragma Surrogate-Control (new) 2. CACHE CONTROL
Permission(PGU):447, Lang:EnglishCreated:2015-01-18 15:09:38, Modified:2015-01-19 15:17:29, Status:in work, Version:1.0
2. NPM Most Used Packages in tutorial NodeJS By Examples JavaScript
A List of most common used NPM modules #npm install -g nodemon - #nodemon bin/www #npm install -g forever - #forever start bin/www #npm install -g express #npm install -g ex...
Permission(PGU):447, Lang:EnglishCreated:2015-01-27 15:52:40, Modified:2015-05-22 11:20:29, Status:in work, Version:1.0
3. Linux Command - Advanced in tutorial Linux Basic Commands Linux Server
Advanced Linux Commands 1. How to create large file a TXT of 1GB for testing purposes by linux command? $dd if=/dev/zero of=file.txt count=1024 bs=1048576 1024+0 records in1024+0 records out1073741...
Permission(PGU):447, Lang:EnglishCreated:2015-01-23 16:55:28, Modified:2015-02-06 09:27:51, Status:in work, Version:1.0
4. Server resources in tutorial Linux Basic Commands Linux Server
1. Type the following command at the shell prompt to find out top 10 largest file/directories: # du -a /var | sort -n -r | head -n 10 3564532 /var3341588 /var/lib3312844 /var/lib/mongo3148820 /var/l...
Permission(PGU):447, Lang:EnglishCreated:2015-08-23 16:02:44, Modified:2015-08-23 16:02:44, Status:in work, Version:1.0
5. Installation on Linux OS in tutorial MongoDB Database
MongoDb Installation on Ubuntu 12.04 - 2.6 version with text search # apt-get update # apt-get install mongodb-org This installs 4 packages: mongodb-org-mongos, mongodb-org-server, mongodb-org-shell and mongodb-org-tools...
Permission(PGU):447, Lang:EnglishCreated:2015-01-25 11:03:46, Modified:2015-06-08 12:53:17, Status:in work, Version:1.0