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1. HTML Head in tutorial HTML Old School Frontend
This chapter will describe basic HTML tags inside HTML head <head></head>. These tags are: <title> <meta> <link> <style> <script>
Permission(PGU):447, Lang:EnglishCreated:2015-01-17 13:10:57, Modified:2015-01-18 03:15:25, Status:finished, Version:1.0
2. LINK tag in tutorial HTML Old School Frontend
To add some external resources to our HTML document we will use LINK tag. Most common external resources are CSS stylesheet file or favicon. <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="main.css"><link rel="icon" t...
Permission(PGU):447, Lang:EnglishCreated:2015-01-18 04:54:35, Modified:2015-01-18 04:56:25, Status:finished, Version:1.0
3. Favicon in tutorial HTML Old School Frontend
Favicon can be any .ico , .png or .gif image. Use one of the following codes to import favicon image: <link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="/favicon.ico"><link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="/dir/...
Permission(PGU):447, Lang:EnglishCreated:2015-01-18 05:55:28, Modified:2015-01-18 05:58:46, Status:finished, Version:1.0
4. Installation in tutorial Express by Examples JavaScript
Express is the most popular framework for NodeJS. This chapter will explain how to install Express and how to create your working environment. #npm install -g express This insatlls express framework ...
Permission(PGU):447, Lang:EnglishCreated:2015-01-31 09:55:59, Modified:2015-01-31 10:55:56, Status:in work, Version:1.0
5. Installation with Hogan in tutorial Express by Examples JavaScript
If we don't want Jade template engine we can use Hogan . $express myproject --hogan -c less --hogan -tels to install Hogane template engine -c ...
Permission(PGU):447, Lang:EnglishCreated:2015-02-01 06:49:07, Modified:2015-02-01 14:00:40, Status:in work, Version:1.0