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Search query: doctype
Results: 3
1. HTML Head in tutorial HTML Old School Frontend
This chapter will describe basic HTML tags inside HTML head <head></head>. These tags are: <title> <meta> <link> <style> <script>
Permission(PGU):447, Lang:EnglishCreated:2015-01-17 13:10:57, Modified:2015-01-18 03:15:25, Status:finished, Version:1.0
2. DOCTYPE tag in tutorial HTML Old School Frontend
Although this tag is outside HEAD tag I will describe it here. <!DOCTYPE> is outside HEAd tag, it is puted on the beggining and it declares the type of HTMl document. In HTML 5 it is simply:
Permission(PGU):447, Lang:EnglishCreated:2015-01-18 05:52:29, Modified:2015-01-18 05:52:29, Status:finished, Version:1.0
3. NodeJS - Express - MongoDB in tutorial MongoDB Database
Integration of MongoDB into NodeJS-Express environment: 0. Let assume that we have database 'my_db' already created. 1. $ npm install mongodb 2. /routes/index.js /*jslint unparam: true*/var express =...
Permission(PGU):447, Lang:EnglishCreated:2015-04-16 03:18:42, Modified:2015-04-16 08:57:16, Status:in work, Version:1.0