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1. How glype works in tutorial Glype Web Apps
Bootstrap file: /browse.php required in browse.php : /includes/parser.php - HTML parser modify src, href. It is class which create object in ...
Permission(PGU):447, Lang:EnglishCreated:2015-01-23 06:56:58, Modified:2015-01-29 07:32:19, Status:in work, Version:1.0
2. NodeJS starting on boot in tutorial NodeJS By Examples JavaScript
Starting NodeJS program on boot time (CentOS 6.5) 1. Create file in /etc/rc.d/init.d/node-findads #!/bin/sh## Note runlevel 2345, 86 is the Start order and 85 is the Stop order## chkconfig: 2345 86 85...
Permission(PGU):447, Lang:EnglishCreated:2015-01-25 16:30:08, Modified:2015-05-23 11:12:22, Status:in work, Version:1.0
3. NodeJS Installation on CentOS 6.5 - Compiling NodeJS from the latest source in tutorial NodeJS By Examples JavaScript
Installation - NodeJS on Centos 6.5 1. yum list nodejs nodejs.i686 nodejs.x86_64
Permission(PGU):447, Lang:EnglishCreated:2015-02-06 05:25:29, Modified:2015-10-01 17:18:47, Status:in work, Version:1.0
4. Linux Commands in tutorial Linux Basic Commands Linux Server
$ps -aux | grep firefox -ists all firefox processes. $lsb_release -a -get current Ubuntu version #grep -H -r "1click" /etc/apache2/ -izlistava sve fajlove koji u sebi sadrže 1click (-H ispisuje naziv...
Permission(PGU):447, Lang:EnglishCreated:2015-01-23 16:59:09, Modified:2015-02-21 10:04:02, Status:in work, Version:1.0
5. Environment Variables in tutorial Linux Basic Commands Linux Server
1. list all variables $ printenv or just $env 2. start application with specific environment variable $ env EDITOR=vim xterm 3. set environment variable...
Permission(PGU):447, Lang:EnglishCreated:2015-02-13 06:55:52, Modified:2015-02-13 07:17:55, Status:in work, Version:1.0