HTML Old School
Html list is very usefull when you want count some things or you want to create a menu in HTL document.
There are:
- oredered list <ol></ol>
- unoredered list <ul></ul>
Ordered list
<ol> <li>one</li> <li>two</li> </ol>
Example: 0600list_ordered.html
Type attribute is obsolete but works in major borwsers: type=" 1 | a | A | i | I "
Example: 0603list_ordered_type.html
If you want to start count form certain number use start attribute.
<ol start="4"> ... </ol>
Example with start="4": 0604list_ordered_start.html
If you want to jump to certain number use value attribute.
<ol> <li>one</li> <li value="5">five</li> <li>six<li> </ol>
Example with value="5": 0604list_ordered_value.html
Unordered list
<ul> <li>one</li> <li>two</li> </ul>
Example: 0601list_unordered.html
Type attribute is obsolete but works in major borwsers: type=" disc | circle | square "
Example: 0605list_unordered_type.html
Nested list
Nested list is a list inside a list.
<li> item 1 </li>
<li> item 2
<li> subitem 2.1 </li>
<li> subitem 2.2 </li>
Example: 0606list_nested.html
Definition list
<dt> Definition title </dt>
<dd> Definition explanation of some item. </dd>
Example: 0607list_definitions.html
List header
<ol> <lh>Header</lh> <li>one</li> <li>two</li> </ol>
Example: 0608list_header.html