HTML Old School
Frame tag is used inside <frameset></frameset> tag.
<frameset cols="30%,*">
<frame src="./doc_a.html">
<frame src="./doc_b.html">
Frame tag is not container, it is void tag, so dont write closing tag </frame>.
The number of frame tags determine COLS and ROWS attributes of frameset tag. What happend if we define 3 columns in frameset tag and place only one frame tag see in the next example:
Example (frameset defines 3 columns but we have only one frame tag): 07fr.htm
Frame tag attributes
1. src="URI"
Defines path to the HTML document.
Example: 08frsrc.htm
2. name="string" , id="string"
Very important when linking two frames.
3. noresize
Prevent resizing of frame window.
Noresize example: 09frnores.htm
4. scrolling="yes | no | auto"
Enable/disable scrolling of content inside frame. If enabled then scrollbar appers.
Scrollbar example: 10frscrl.htm
Example with scrollbar: 10frscrl2.htm
5. marginwidth="px" i marginheight="px"
Defines how much pixels will be the content way from border.
How to place image in the left-top corner: 11frm.htm
6. frameborder="yes | 1 | no | 0"
Enable/disable frame border.
Example: 12frfb.htm
7. bordercolor="color"
Determine the border color.
Example: 13frbc.htm