HTML Old School
Font Face
Every browser has default font color, size and font face. This default settings can be always modified with HTML and CSS tags.
Default browser font: 0317textfont.html
To modify font use :
<font face="Arial">
Mozilla fonts (LINUX): 0318textfont_linux.html
IE fonts (WIN): 0318textfont_win.html
Some browsers have font containers (group of fonts): Serif , Sans-serif , Cursive , Fantasy and Monospace .
Examples: 0319textfontgroups.html
Typewriter <tt></tt> - font with fixed width
Typewriter example: 0320textfontTT.html
Basefont defines base font in whole document. OBSOLETE!
<basefont face="serif,Arial,Courier" size="2" color="#FF0000">
Example: 0321basefont.html