HTML Old School
For submitting HTML forms it is bette to use <button></button> then <input type="submit">.
This is because button tag is container and we can put text, other html tags, even image between button tags.
<form action="19script.php" method="POST" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">
name: <input type="text" name="var" value="">
<button type="submit">Send</button>
<button type="reset">Reset</button>
<button type="button" onclick="alert('This is warning')">Alert</button>
Submit, reset and button examples: 19button.html
PHP script: 19script.php
Sometimes inseted of text we can use an image.
Example with image: 20button_image.html
Button tag attributes
1. name="string"
2. value="string"
The pair name-value will be sent to the PHP script.
Example with name-value pair in button tag: 21button_name-value.html
PHP script: 21script.php
3. type="button | submit | reset"
Defines the button behaviour.
Javascript onClick and onMouseOver events
Javascript onclick event can activate JS function on two ways:
a) put JS code inside <form action="javascript: fja()">
Example: 22button_js1.html
b) put JS code inside <button onclick="alert('You clicked me')">
Example1: 22button_js2.html
Example2: 22button_js3.html
The same thing is with onmouseover.
Onmousewover: 22button_js_onmouseover.html