Express by Examples
Start and stop express
To start or stop express means to start or stop nodeJS server.
$node bin/www -starts nodejs server regularly
$nodemon bin/www -starts nodejs and restart after every file modification
START with debugging
$DEBUG=myproject:server ./bin/www -starts node with debug option.
myproject:server is defined in /bin/www file, and this can be changed.
For example: var debug = require('debug')('myproject:server'); replace into var debug = require('debug')('myapp'); Then run
$DEBUG=myapp ./bin/www
- CTRL + c - in Linux
- $killall -9v node
After starting with $node bin/www restarting is possible with rs + ENTER .
Now open your browser and type http://localhost:3000
If you want to edit the port do that inside /bin/www file.